Believing You Matter

It is so easy to slip into the routine of life. You don’t even have to try. If you don’t think much about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, the course of this world will just carry you along. It does not require any focus to slip into a “I’m not a very…

Experience God in Prayer

What would it be like if you could actually experience God when you pray and not just fulfill a religious obligation? After becoming a Christ-follower in college some wonderful leaders said to grow in my faith and know God better I should read the Bible, pray, and get involved in Christian community.  All of which…

Where to Find Your Path to Purpose

If you know you are here for a reason but you’re not sure what that reason is, welcome to the majority of the human race. It can be at least a little comforting to know you’re not the only one.  All kinds of research tells us that over 80% of thinking people believe they are…